Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Marquises 56 · 1992
Marina Flamenco, Panama City, Panama
- 14 beds
- 4 cabins
- 2 bathrooms
- 16.8 m long
- Crew obligatory
- Furling mainsail
Free cancellation until 01/02/2025
Catamaran Lagoon 400 · 2010
Linton Bay Marina, Nombre de Dios, Panama
- 10 beds
- 4 cabins
- 4 bathrooms
- 11.97 m long
- Captain optional
- Furling mainsail
Air conditionerFree cancellation until 01/02/2025
Catamaran Nautitech 44 · 1995
Corazon de Jesus, San Blas, Panama
- 8 beds
- 4 cabins
- 4 bathrooms
- 13.47 m long
- Crew obligatory
WatermakerFree cancellation until 01/02/2025
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Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Salina 48 · 2008
Corazon de Jesus, San Blas, Panama
- 10 beds
- 4 cabins
- 4 bathrooms
- 14.3 m long
- Crew obligatory
Air conditionerFree cancellation until 01/02/2025
Catamaran Lagoon 500 · 2011
Corazon de Jesus, San Blas, Panama
- 8 beds
- 4 cabins
- 4 bathrooms
- 15.54 m long
- Crew obligatory
WatermakerFree cancellation until 01/02/2025
Catamaran Nautitech 40 Open · 2002
Corazon de Jesus, San Blas, Panama
- 7 beds
- 3 cabins
- 2 bathrooms
- 11.98 m long
- Crew obligatory
Stand-Up PaddleboardFree cancellation until 01/02/2025
Sailboat Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 44I · 2009
Isla Aguja Cabins San Blas, Panama City, Panama
- 6 beds
- 3 cabins
- 3 bathrooms
- 13.7 m long
- Crew obligatory
- Full batten mainsail
GeneratorFree: Crew of 2Free cancellation until 01/02/2025
Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Bahia 46 · 2004
Corazon de Jesus, San Blas, Panama
- 7 beds
- 3 cabins
- 3 bathrooms
- 14.05 m long
- Crew obligatory
WatermakerFree cancellation until 01/02/2025